No court availability 20th or 27th Jan. Next club-night 3rd Feb.
Forest Badminton Club based in Sale, South Manchester is both friendly and competitive with involvement from all of our members.
We always welcome new players to join us. However, due to the high standard of the players within the club it is unsuitable for beginners.
Our club night is held on Monday’s at Ashton-on-Mersey Secondary School, Manchester from 8pm – 10pm. See map opposite for directions.
We have 2 match courts and 3 club night courts. Our club-nights take place in the Health & Fitness Centre located at AOM.
The playing standard is competitive, spread from good club level to county level.
If you are visiting the Forest Badminton website for the first time, please contact us before your arrival. We'll make sure you're looked after on the night and we'll ensure you play with a variety of skilled players.
Ashton-on-Mersey Secondary School,
Dean Trust Fitness and Leisure
Cecil Ave, Ashton upon Mersey, Sale, Manchester
M33 5BP.
What 3 Words: Brass.Caves.Thus
During the winter season when there are no matches we will ensure that there are a minimum of 2 courts available for club night.
If you are playing badminton regularly and want your game challenged further with a range of strong players, but in a welcoming and friendly environment then do drop us a line to let us know you're interested and we can arrange a visit to one of our Monday evening club nights.
Forest Badminton Club has been playing badminton in Manchester for over 40 years. We currently have 2 teams competing within the Manchester League